Bud and Bug have officially returned back to school and now I can get back into a routine. When they were home I was hard pressed to find the time to post here in blogland. The holiday was wonderful, we had gorgeous weather and I got to spend time with family and friends!!! I have been working on some small projects and some BIG projects. The small ones are some crochet projects that I am hoping to write patterns for and the BIG one was my bathroom. It got a much needed face lift! My husband dislikes the colors but I am in love with them!!! It's so bright and cheery!

I also ordered some yarn for a granny square baby blanket I am making and I loved three of the five colors. So into the yarn store I went and we all know how that goes! After oogling all the lovely yarn I walked out with two colors that I thought would be perfect! Can you believe it, I only bought what I needed! Anyway, the colors WILL work perfect! I have some squares started and some that are being blocked! I am so giddy about this project! The sun was not out today so my pictures may look dark. I may have to re-shoot these again.
Loving the combination of colors
It will be a perfect blankie for a baby boy
Here are the new shots I took today while the sun was shining! I have made more progress on the blankie and am learning the join-as-you-go or JAYGO method of joining grannys!! Super easy!!! I suggest you try it.
I love how bright and happy it is....
I can't wait to see it completed