Irish Rose Potholder Pattern
Size 4 mm Hook
Cotton Yarn ( I used I Love This Yarn) In Pink, White, Pistache, and Stonewash
Tapestry Needle
Rnd 1- (Right Side) Ch 6, join with a slip stitch to form a ring, Ch 4 ( counts as first dc and ch 2), Dc ch 2 7 times in ring, join with a slip stitch in first ch2. (8 dc, 8 ch 2 spaces)
Rnd 2
Rnd 3- (wrong side) Ch 3, working behind sc in dc from previous round, repeat 7 times and join with a slip stitch in first ch3, turn (8 ch3 spaces)
Rnd 4- (right side) Ch 1, (work in ch 3 spaces from previous round) sc, ch1, 3dc, ch1, sc, Repeat 7 times and join with a sl st in first sc, turn (8 petals)
Rnd 5- (wrong side) Ch4, sc in sc from previous round, join with sl st in first ch4, Turn (8 ch4 spaces)
Rnd 6- (right side) Ch1, sc, ch1, dc, ch1, 5tr, ch1, dc, ch1, sc all in ch 4 space, repeat 7 times, join in first sc, FASTEN OFF (8 petals)
Rnd 7- ( right side) Join green in center of any petal from round 6, ch3 2dc, ch 1, 3dc in same space, * ch4, sc in center of next petal, ch4, 3 dc ch1, 3dc in center of next petal * Repeat from * * 2 more times join with a slip stitch to first ch 3. fasten off
Rnd 8- (right side) Join white in any corner ch1 space, ch3, 2dc, ch1, 3dc all in ch1 space * ch 2, 3dc in ch4 space of previous round, ch2, 3 dc in next ch4 space, ch2 , 3dc ch1 3 dc all in corner ch 1 space* repeat from * to * 3 times ending with a ch2. join in first ch3 with sl st
Ch 21
Row 1- hdc in second ch from hook, hdc in each stitch across (20 hdc)
Row 2- turn, ch 1, hdc in each stitch across (20 hdc)
Repeat row 2 until your work measure the same as the front of your work
Join front and back with sl st, ch1 sc evenly in each stitch around, 3 sc in each corner, fasten off
Edging- Join blue in any space, ch1,sc in each stitch around w 3 sc in each of the middle three sc in the previous round, once you reach the beginning slip stitch in ch1, ch 10, join with next sc, 17 sc in the loop you just created. Fasten off.Sew in all ends with a tapestry needle and enjoy your finished work!
Happy Hooking!!
If you see any mistakes please let me know.
thought this pattern looked cute and gave it a try. round 3 and 5 confusing frogged it! may pick it again but mayb not:( directions very unclear