bud and bug

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Snow, Snow and More Snow

Oh the weather outside is frightful.... and it really has put me in a holiday sort of mood! Bud and Bug have been home from school for three days now! We have done some holiday crafts, watched some Christmas movies and I have been whipping up some wonderful ornaments and cutting out paper snowflakes! I absolutely adore them! I know, you may think it's a bit early to be in a festive mood but this snow has just brought it out! Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday and I can't say that I mind starting to celebrate it a bit early! 

We have not had the snow totals that north of us got, but it has been blustery and quite dreadful when I have to take the pooch out to do her business. North of us has 6 ft of snow in two days and my hubby was stranded at work for two whole days! Boy how I missed him and the boys were absolutely miserable without him here! It does however look gorgeous out there as long as I can appreciate it from inside my snug little house! 

I am working on some wintery cowl projects, my nephews afghan, some boot toppers and just some other little bits! I am trying out some super bulky yarn with metallic threads through it and it looks just stunning! hopefully when we meet again I will have some pictures of the finished project!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Near and Dear

I know I promised that I wouldn't be away for long however, these past few weeks has been a very trying time for our little family. We lost one of our nearest and dearest friends two weeks ago. It was totally unexpected, and frankly quite a shock. He was a man of few words, hard working and a loyal friend. My husband and I for the first few days after his passing took on the added duties of milking his herd of dairy cows and doing barn chores. It was sad to them all sold at auction as this was our friends passion and livliehood. We are still grieving and coping with this loss but, if I have learned one thing it's to treat each day as a gift. I know it sounds cliche but, I realize now more than ever how important it is. 

Now that things have settled down a tad, I have had a few lovely days filled with crocheting and sipping tea. I am working on creating some little beauties for my shop come January. There is a bobble scarf that I must say I am in LOVE with. To sell or not to sell, that is the question! Until we meet again.....

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Slipping away

So my lovelies, it seems time has slipped by again! Does that happen to you? Just yesterday it seems I left you with images and words about my Trippy Hippie Blanket and here we are into the third week of September! Yikes!! Life has been busy what with the end of summer and the start of school. Bud and Bug have transitioned very well but, I feel like I'm dragging behind! You may be wondering what has been on my hooks since I've been away, well, a little of this and a little of that!

I have only one large project at the moment, do you recall the granny square purse I gifted to my sister for her birthday? Well, we were out to lunch one day and one of the waitresses asked her where she got it. She told them that I had made it for her and the waitress came up to me and asked me to make her a matching winter set. This includes a purse, hat, mittens and a scarf! Trying to find the exact colors she requested was an ordeal but, I had some luck and have finished the hat and the scarf is almost done! I am still trying to find a pattern for the mittens, I just can't seem to find the right one! Any suggestions? 

I am enjoying the weather as fall is my favorite season! I love the crisp smell in the air, the changing leaves, big fat orange pumpkins, apple cider and colorful mums just outside my door! I can't wait to hook some scarves and maybe some fingerless gloves too! 

This break has been good for me, it was a time to reflect and decide what I want to do now that the boys are both in school full-time. I am pleased to say come the start of the new year I will be opening an Etsy store! I am thrilled and a little scared as this is a first for me. Running my own business is a little overwhelming to think about. The little details involved have me panicking a bit. However, I am determined to give it a go and make it a success. So with that little tid bit I leave you for now and I promise I'll be back on a more regular basis!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Blankety Ta-dah...

Blankets seem to be the thing I am crocheting a lot of lately! Baby blankets, lapghans and afghans oh my! I have two beauties to show you today. The first is my Trippy Hippie Blanket, this is the blanket I talked about in my last post.

 The other is the Perfectly Pretty Petals Blanket. These two blankets have been gifts so I have not posted any pictures of them!

 I am absolutely in love with this pretty flowery blanket! The edging is of my own design and I have written up a pattern for this beauty. I wanted the edging to mimic the petals of the flower and I love the way it turned out! Hopefully I can get the pattern from paper to my blog soon! Until we meet again

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wonderful vacation

Oh how wonderful it is to be back, I have missed my creative little space! As you well know by my last post the end of July and beginning of August are dreadfully busy for our little family! We have just recently returned from our yearly vacation to Black Lake. It seems a whole other time up there, relaxing by the lake with a coffee or mixed drink in hand, the kids giggling and spending quality time with their cousins, good food, fishing and just enjoying myself ( that means crocheting took place whilst on said trip)! 

The weather this year was a little hit and miss but overall we had a splendid trip! Mr. K. had a dreadful time of it though, he threw his back out two days before we were to leave and then half way through our stay he ended up with two abscessed teeth. He seems to have fully recovered and is back to work. 

I have finished my mile-a-minute lapghan and she is sooooo much fun! Bright cheery colors perfect for a graduated teen! I have also started on yet another baby blanket. Oh my the colors are just divine! I am hoping to have pictures of these two projects edited and ready for my next post! Until we meet again!